Creating Your Listing

Create a San Jo Dentists listing and make your dental practice more visible to potential patients today. It's quick and easy to start; follow the steps below.


But first, the San Jo Dentists directory has thousands of active listings, so it is wise to search first and claim your listing.


San Jo Dentists Listing


Sign in to your San Jo Dentists account or register for one if you don't have an existing account. From the homepage, click on "User" then "Dashboard."


Next, from the left column, click "Create Listing."



Here you will decide on the most suitable dental marketing plan for your dental practice. To continue, click "Select" in that plan's box.



Now it's time to personalize your San Jo Dentists listing. Allowing patients to become familiar with your practice creates comfort when choosing you as their dentist. Therefore, you should include as many elements as possible in your listing.




Help people locate your practice by incorporating your geo-location. Furthermore, Google can also use this geo-location to prioritize your practice in their "nearby me" search results.


To add your geo-location information, you can choose from one of the two options. Enter your address in the search bar at the top of the map. Or, click on your location on the map to drop a pin.



General Practice


Complete every section as you go down the page to create an extensive dental listing.



Dentist Name

Enter your prefix, legal name, and credentials.


Dental Practice Name

Your business name should be entered here. The name entered should remain consistent throughout all digital directories, such as Google My Business or Yelp. Your brand is more robust when you are consistent. You can see how uniformly your practice appears online using our free scanning tool.



By adding a business logo to your San Jo Dentists listing, you are continuing to boost your brand. If you don't have a logo, a headshot will work too. To attach your image, click on the "Upload Logo" button.



Type in your physical address. However, make sure to include the two additional fields (cross-street or neighborhood) offered by San Jo Dentists to assist people in locating your office. Then, enter your city's first letter(s), and select it from the autofill dropdown.


Phone Numbers

Provide patients contact number options via your office number or WhatsApp number.


Descriptions, Website, Social Media



Short Description and Description

The short description is ideal for offering your patients a brief practice overview. In contrast, the description is ideal for offering your patients further practice details, particularly your principles. Both sections provide potential patients with the information they need to determine if your practice is a good fit.



An alternative contact method is always beneficial so make sure to include the email address for your practice in your San Jo Dentists listing.


Social Media

While the description is ideal for providing practice details, not everything will necessarily fit. Therefore, don't forget to enter your business website and social media links (with the http:// https:// prefix) as additional resources. 


Dental Specialization

Select your preferred area of dentistry in the dropdown.



Patients need to know they will be able to attend appointments during your opening hours. Enter both business days and hours.


Additional Information



License Number and State

Enter your license number along with the state of issuance. Patients may want to use this information to verify your licensing status.


Additional Information

Patients seeking specific criteria will value this section. These extra key points enable them to make informed decisions.


Enhanced Media


Showcase your dental practice by attaching photos and videos to your San Jo Dentists listing.




Click "Browse" to find and upload photos that portray your dental practice in its best light.



Have you posted marketing videos on YouTube or Vimeo? Incorporate them in your San Jo Dentists listing. Copy and paste the streaming links, then click "+" to attach them.



Once you have entered all of your San Jo Dentists listing details, click "Submit."


How Does it Appear?


Go back to your dashboard and click "Listings" to view your completed San Jo Dentists listing. Take this time also to review all the details and ensure your listing is free from errors.  



Too Busy to Create a San Jo Dentists Listing?


We understand that you have a busy dental practice and don't have the time to dedicate to creating a listing. It's okay! San Jo Dentists is here to assist you. You only need to create a San Jo Dentists account and set up your dental marketing plan. Then, contact us to create an effective listing for your practice.