Opt Out

Opt Out - San Jo Dentists

Opting Out of the San Jo Dentists Directory


Opting out of the San Jo Dentists directory is possible rather than claiming your listing if you aren't ready. Merely send a request through our contact page to begin the opt-out procedure, referencing the profile to be deleted. Our team will assess the requester's email domain and company website to ensure the requester's identity matches the profile.


Note: generic email addresses such as [dentalpractice]24@gmail.com will not be accepted. Additional verification will be required if you can not supply a business domain email address.


After our team substantiates this request as valid, we will notify you when the San Jo Dentists directory profile removal is complete.


Why is There a Need for Verification?


Securing the San Jo Dentists directory database from spammers and marketing companies who attempt to do negative SEO on their competitors is the fundamental reason


Negative SEO - San Jo Dentists


Negative SEO? I've Never Heard of That.


Negative SEO can also be known as Black Hat SEO. It is a strategy used by some to damage the online reputation of the competition. A simple request to remove a listing or change contact details enables companies to steal traffic and lower the search rank of their competitors.


As your San Jo Dentists profile becomes more visible, your potential to obtain brand-new clients increases. A precise profile can generate 5-10 queries every month, even if it's not claimed.


Knowing a limited number of patients is available means every brand-new patient you acquire is one less for your competitors.


A usual strategy of Negative SEO is the elimination of internet marketing channels by requesting the removal of directory listings, thus lowering online traffic. Potential patients who can not find your dental practice online will head to the following practice in their search results.


Throughout LOCALSYNC's numerous professional directories, we find opt-out demands tend to come from [dentalpractice]24@gmail.com-type emails. Unsurprisingly due to the use of these "phony" email addresses, when our team tries to substantiate the request, over 97% of requestors do not respond.


Update Your Listing - San Jo Dentists


Do You Have to Claim Your Dental Listing to Update it?


No. The San Jo Dentists directory allows users to pay a nominal fee for a one-time update of your listing. This option gives dental practices an alternative to simply deleting it or leaving it incorrect, consequently providing your practice with valuable backlinks that can help you improve your SEO and Google search rankings. 


To proceed with a one-time update, choose "Upgrade My Profile Information" from our Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing services to request this update. Follow the steps to remit payment.


Please be aware that the requestor's identity will be verified prior to any changes. The San Jo Dentists team will use the email address supplied during payment. Refunds will be given if we cannot verify the requestor's identity.


Profile Build - San Jo Dentists


How Do I Set up My Profile After I Claim it?


You do not have to do anything. The San Jo Dentists team will set up your profile as part of your annual dental practice marketing plan.


Select your dentistry marketing plan from the Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing services and remit payment. We will take care of everything else or contact you with any questions.